The information gathered on the Army Dogtags site is used only in the fulfillment of your order. We do not sell your information to anybody nor do we bombard you with endless e-mail offers. We send one e-mail immediately after you order as a receipt and one e-mail once your order is shipped. If necessary we will send an e-mail with a question regarding the text and formatting your dog tags. Your telephone number is only used if there is a question regarding your dog tag order.
What information is kept?
Through our website we only keep your billing name, address, and e-mail. The data for your dog tags is not accessible once an order is placed and is deleted once the order is finalized. The password is only keeping your billing name, address, and e-mail ready for you when you order in the future. Credit card information is never stored on our website. Future orders would require inputting your credit card information again to the website.
Credit Card Information
When you place an order on our website, we never receive your credit card information. We only receive an Approved or Declined message. Once your order is placed, the amount charged can not be increased. If you want to re-order the exact same order, you would have to call our office and submit credit card information or re-submit a new order on-line. Safeguarding information is our highest concern.
What you can do to protect yourself.
Don’t put sensitive information (like Social Security Number, “SSN”) on your dog tags unless it is necessary. Some current and past military dog tags require the SSN on dog tags. If you are required to put your SSN, then keep your dog tags in a safe place (around your neck or at home) and don’t give them to other people. Otherwise, use alternate numbers as phone number and birthdate instead of your SSN.